Coffee with Kim Episode #4 – Redefining Health – My Story

Welcome back to Coffee with Kim – By Mind Your Nutrition 

In this brand new episode for 2022;

 I’m going to be sharing with you my new mission for the show, and what I hope it will provide for the women who choose to tune in with me each week. 

In a world fuelled by comparison, and highlight reels,  I believe it’s important now more than ever that we are our most authentic selves, and talk about the full human experience.

Because amongst all the wins, the happy moments, and the healthy times, there are also the failures, self-doubt, unhealthy times,  relationship challenges, and mental health struggles. 

I’ve been privileged enough to sit down and have conversations with 100s of women over the last 7 years. Listening to their stories, their struggles, their lives. 

 I’ve discussed countless times topics like – body image struggles, binge eating, restrictive eating, weight gain fears, food fears and guilt around food… and essentially every other challenge that comes with being a victim to diet culture.  

 But I know that most women don’t have easy access to these conversations. Which often leaves them feeling alone in their struggles, and thinking they must be the “only one” going through what they are going through. 

 Through this I show, I want women to be reminded that they are not alone in their journey. To pass on all my learnings from past struggles, and from helping other women find health and balance from my last 7 years as a nutritionist. As well as taking you on a journey that I’m STILL on –  sharing any new learnings as I go.  Because the journey of health never actually stops.   

 What’s in this episode: 

  1. My mission for this show. And where I hope to see it going. 
  1. My Health story – The TWO least healthy times of my life and what I’ve learned from them. 
  1. Where I’m at currently with my health – what I still to work on. 

Thank you for listening and please do comment below if you share these experiences or if you have any feedback. 

With love and support

Your coach and friend


If this was helpful, please let me know in the comments below 




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Kimberley Bell, Registered Nutritionist
Auckland, New Zealand

Master your mind and become your own body expert.

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